High Risk Merchant Accounts
Are you high risk?
Banks use two main indicators to determine if you are at high risk.
- Are you in a high-risk industry with a higher chance of financial fraud etc?
- Are you at a higher risk of financial failure?
Banks and merchants that are classified in this group usually will have a higher level of chargebacks, fraudulent charges, canceled transactions or other merchant processing issues. START’s relationships with banks and solution providers can help navigate these issues to prevent high rates or difficulty getting approved.

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Resources & Articles For Merchant Account Clients
Best Practices for an eCommerce website to avoid fraud
Best Practices For ECommerce Thank you for choosing START Merchant Services as your eCommerce Merchant Account provider. For your Merchant Account to be APPROVED quickly and efficiently, clearly display your contact info, as well as your intended Refund, Exchange,...
Every eCommerce website should do this
Customer disputes and chargebacks are very costly to eCommerce merchants in terms of both time and money. Disputes are time consuming to resolve, and when left unresolved…turn into expensive chargebacks! Chargebacks typically cost $25 per incident, and you will also...
What your website needs to accept credit cards
Thank you for choosing START Merchant Services as your eCommerce Merchant Account provider. In order for your Merchant Account to be APPROVED quickly and efficiently, clearly display your contact info, as well as your intended Refund, Exchange, Warranty and/or...